As you know, I am embarking on a journey. I am moving from Philadelphia to Ahmedabad, India to work and experience a new culture. I'm sure it will be challenging, but hopefully fun and surely an eye opening experience. I've never blogged before. I will try to keep it fun and not too boring. I ship off 17Jan2011. No turning back now!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Interviews are not fun in India.  Well, they are getting fun for me, as the interviewer, but it is surely not fun for the interviewee.

I've interviewed about 12 people now for analytical and formulation positions, from "fresher" (right out of college) to group leader level.  In any case it is not a pleasant experience for the candidate.  They are invariably made to wait at least several hours for anyone to greet them.  Then they get a panel interview with usually 3 or 4 senior people.  No pleasant introductions, no giving of business cards, no facility tour.  It is more like a thesis oral defense.  We spit-fire interrogate them on what they do for work, and how much they know about basic chemistry concepts.  My fellow group leader is especially good at being harsh, digging and digging into their answers.  He has a gift for drawing out the truth from the interviewees, to show just how deep their understanding is of chemistry/regulatory/instrumentation.

At first this harshness made me uncomfortable, but now I am finding it rather fun.  I will have to hone my skills to be as good as my coworker, but I will try.

I have spoken before that the quality of scientist is just as good in India as in US.  However, from my interviews, I am now not so sure.  Basic concepts like pKa seem to be a mystery to everyone.  I feel blessed that my own group members are as smart as they are.  I just hope they don't quit after the crappy annual raises that they got yesterday...

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