As you know, I am embarking on a journey. I am moving from Philadelphia to Ahmedabad, India to work and experience a new culture. I'm sure it will be challenging, but hopefully fun and surely an eye opening experience. I've never blogged before. I will try to keep it fun and not too boring. I ship off 17Jan2011. No turning back now!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Things that Americans and Indians can learn from each other....

This is just a brainstorm of the best things I can pick out from both cultures so far...

Indians can teach Americans:
  • Be more earth friendly:  clean with reusable rags, serve food on plates that can be washed and reused, share transporation, use a fan instead of AC.
  • Don't be so scared of germs.  You don't see Indian kids with allergies, because they aren't raised in the land of Purel and Lysol.  A strong immune system needs to be built.
  • Don't smile so much, people will take advantage of your friendliness.  (I don't like this one, but it is true)
  • Don't say "thank you" unless you really really mean it.  The phrase loses its meaning if it is over used.  Plus, if you are friends with someone, it is expected that they will help you out, and vice versa.
  • Bargain!  No one should pay full price.
  • Be comfortable with your emotions.  Indians are not afraid to be passionate and honest.
  • Take care of your family.

Americans can teach Indians:
  • Don't believe everything someone tells you.  Get some evidence for health remedies before blindly following them.
  • Don't be so lazy, walking is good for you.  (disclaimer- there are a whole lot of lazy Americans too)
  • Know directions.  No one in India has a map or could tell you which way was north.  People get to where they need to go here, but often not in the most direct way.
  • Stop being so dependent.  Boys are often spoonfed (literally and figuratively) by their mothers until they marry off in their late 20's or early 30's.  This is frankly a bit creepy.
  • Stop littering.  This is your home, do you want it to look like a dump?
Thats it for now.  But be assured that I love both India and the US!

1 comment:

  1. Funny!
    Every time I see my SIL feeding my 10 year old nephew, I really have to stop myself from making a comment or laughing. :) I don't think I can ever get used to it!
