As you know, I am embarking on a journey. I am moving from Philadelphia to Ahmedabad, India to work and experience a new culture. I'm sure it will be challenging, but hopefully fun and surely an eye opening experience. I've never blogged before. I will try to keep it fun and not too boring. I ship off 17Jan2011. No turning back now!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Bangalore... Finally.

I have blogged more than once about how I didn't want to move to Bangalore.  I am finally here, for 2 weeks now, and I am pleasantly surprised.  I am staying in Kormangala, which is the happening part of the city.

Good things
  • Bangalore is not like a giant suburb (as I previously thought).  It is densely populated with a good mix of high-end retail shops, small local-owned shops, restaurants of all sizes, street foods, and narrow streets with midrise flats, just like I love.
  • No one stares at me.  Either because so many other white people are also here, or because they are more polite.  I do not feel like a circus side-show like I did in Ahmedabad.
  • Almost everyone speaks English
  • There is no dust.  In Ahmedabad, after 1 day without dusting/floor mopping, there would be a visible layer of dust.  After 2 weeks, it would be disgusting.  Here after 2 weeks, there is nothing.
  • This is a modern cosmopolitan city (thanks to the IT industry).  There are plenty of cultural and fun activities.
  • Alcohol is legal!!!
Not-So-Good things
  • Brrrrrrrrrrrr, it is cold.  Even in August I want a jacket.  Of course all my clothes are short-sleeved after living in Ahmedabad.
  • Rain every day.
  • Almost everyone speaks English.  Yes, I know this should be good, but I badly want to improve my Hindi.
  • Everyone eats rice with their hands.  It is gross.
I was lucky to find a great flat in a good area, at a decent price.  Bangalore has grown so fast that finding flats in the popular areas of city-proper is next to impossible.  Demand is too high.  But unlike A-bad, my flat is not furnished.  I have a mattress on the floor and one chair only.  I have no stove, refrigerator, TV, sofa, table, or washing machine.  Good thing my time on the mango farm taught me to live without so many comforts.  I do have a huge geezer (water heater) actually hooked up to the shower head.  No more bucket showers for me!  Also I am on the 5th floor with fantastic balcony views.  Pics coming soon.

Job is also good, but job will be covered in another post.

I love it here.  Maybe I'll settle here forever... 

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