As you know, I am embarking on a journey. I am moving from Philadelphia to Ahmedabad, India to work and experience a new culture. I'm sure it will be challenging, but hopefully fun and surely an eye opening experience. I've never blogged before. I will try to keep it fun and not too boring. I ship off 17Jan2011. No turning back now!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

White People in India

Yesterday I spent many hours in Delhi (day full of siteseeing and at the airport) on my way from Ahmedabad to Philadelphia.  I did a lot of people watching and came to some conclusions about white people in India.

They are all hippies or frumpy.

For my Indian friends: 
  • Hippies are annoying pot smoking lazy types.  Usually kids of rich parents that don't really need to work.  They love to come to india (in addition to the Netherlands and Jamaica) for the cheap cost and lax drug enforcement policy.  They can be recognized by dreadlocks, facial hair (men), armpit hair (women), hemp jewelry, and they say "duuuuuuude...".
  • Frumpy people are your middle aged, fat, pink, fanny-pack and sandles-with-socks wearing types.  They are the usually the people who have kids and work their whole life then retire and realize they never did anything fun with their lives.
There are so few white people in Ahmedabad (I see only 2 per week or so), so I guess it took the trip to Delhi for me to really notice what my fellow white people here are like.

God, I hope to never fit into either of these categories.

It is possilbe that maybe not all of these whiteys were frumpy or hippies, but they just started looking like shit after spending the whole day sightseeing in 115F heat.  It is very hot here.  But come on guys, you are representing your homeland, have a little pride and try to look nice.

Also I saw many many white women wearing Indian clothes.  I couldn't help wrinkling my nose and saying "you poser" mentally to each of them.  I will make a mental note not to go any further than wearing kurtis with jeans.  Just because I live here, I am not excempt from these reactions.

To top it off, the midwestern guy sitting next to me on the Delhi-Newark flight decided to eat his airplane food (american style meat, potatoes, and dinner roll) with his hands like it was indian roti and subji.  What a douchebag!

In any case, I'm excited to be spending 15 days in Philadelphia.  I am already nearly in tears of happiness walking around this city that I call my home!

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