As you know, I am embarking on a journey. I am moving from Philadelphia to Ahmedabad, India to work and experience a new culture. I'm sure it will be challenging, but hopefully fun and surely an eye opening experience. I've never blogged before. I will try to keep it fun and not too boring. I ship off 17Jan2011. No turning back now!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sorry for the delay...

I know I have not blogged in too long.  I hope I have not lost my audience forever.  I wanted to keep the blog light and fun, but lately my life has gotten intense and serious.  I'm sure my tribulations would have been great reading for an audience, but I was not ready to share my private matters until now, now that they have been sorted out.

As my good friends know, this Indian experience has cost me my job, my home, my husband, some friends, my dog, most of my possessions, and a good chunk of my self esteem.  Do I regret it?  No.  There is nothing worse than living life in a bubble.  After all this, I am so happy.  My future is a mystery, but I love all that I have been through and seen, good and bad.

OK, I will cut the philosphical shit and tell you what is actually going on in my life, starting tomorrow :)

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